Entrepreneurship - a Short Course

Stackable modules leading to an award

In the current complex and changing business context, continuous innovation is important for gaining competitive advantage for new start-up or existing businesses. Participants will design and develop an innovation of interest to them. In addition, this short course covers how to: -

  1. Research and develop business plans
  2. Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures
  3. Plan finances for new business ventures
  4. Market new business ventures
  5. Investigate business opportunities
  6. Establish operational strategies and procedures for new business ventures
  7. Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
  8. Originate and develop concepts
  9. Develop a social media strategy
  10. Develop and present business proposals.

Each section forms one module, which can be taken as a subject in your Scots curriculum from Years 9-12.

Complete the Expression of Interest form listed under short courses on the Scots Careers Centre.

Short Courses