Emotions and Self-Awareness Workshop

Your key to emotional intelligence

Held by Prof Ann Brewer
Complimentary for Year 9-12 Scots Students

All emotions are healthy; strong emotions are a powerful incentive for change. Self-awareness starts with understanding our emotions and when it is appropriate to express or manage our feelings so as not to be self-defeating.

This workshop guides you through a process of self-discovery so that you can develop and strengthen effective ways to manage our emotions. You will learn tools to navigate and manage your emotions in the classroom, on the sporting field. These skills will contribute to your life after school. The goals of this program are for you to become better at identifying, differentiating, and describing their feelings.

In this workshop, you will strengthen your ability to make decisions, motivate teams, and improve relationships when emotions are involved.



  • What is emotional intelligence?
  • How to perceive emotions
  • Use emotions to facilitate thinking
  • Understand emotional meanings


  • Using coping thoughts and relaxation techniques
  • Checking assumptions
  • Learn to understand and describe different emotions
  • Discover how to manage emotions in the classroom, with a team or in the workplace


  • Managing your emotions goals
  • Reflection

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