Tools and information to support your transition from study to your future, wherever you are now in your school journey. Stay up-to-date with what's happening in the world of work.
My Career Plan Tool
My Career Plan Tool
A set of guided questions to prepare for your meeting with a Scots Careers Advisor
Career Consultation 1:1
Every Scots College student or graduate has the opportunity to meet individually with a Scots College Career Coach to plan their career journey and enhance their employability.
Workshops for Parents and Carers
Helping families understand and support the student learning experience
Glossary of Terms
Information about Work Skills
Australian Skills Classification: Skills and Occupations
Australian Skills Classification
Skills Priority List
The Australian Skills Commission has reported on the ongoing effects of COVID-19, along with the changing economic landscape have created challenges in many occupations, including those related to health and teaching, and there are ongoing persistent shortages of technician and trade occupations. Specifically, shortages are most acute in Professional occupations (Skill Level 1), requiring higher level qualifications and experience, and Skill Level 3 occupations among Technicians and Trades Workers.
Career E-Learning
- Expert advice
- Videos
- Tips
- Articles
Industry Reports
- Government and specialist reports
- ABS statistics
Career Pathways
- Real-life videos of a range of roles from the 'inside'
News and Articles
- Publications
Book into a Scots Career Workshop
- Attend a Scots Career Workshop and unlock your potential
Book into a Career Consultation Appointment
- Parents can join with you at the appointment but it's not essential.
Book into the Career Assessment Centre - coming soon
- 60-minute slot